Thursday, December 15, 2005

where do these keep coming from?

I love how over the past week, a million video, scandolous pictures, and short clips have appeared online for humorous purposes...

well, I will help make that list grow, found some interesting links while being bored and surfing the net with my roomate...enjoy:

interesting - in response to those guys doing pelvic thrusts in no shirts?! I have no idea where this came from...

a game you must play

and I searched my name in wikipedia, and the closest result was 'god machine' (with a 10% relativity factor...)

I am all done school and look at what my life has become, I promise to post something more interesting once my brain recovers post-exams...


BM said...


im really good at this penguin game!!! it also gives some purpose to my life


Me said...

The Indian guys were ok, but nothing will compare to the texas boys....

Congrates on being done Mr. Rob. I too am done but my brain has not yet absorbed this information and I'm still feeling the burn of exams. Blah.

Me said...


alex said...

494.4, god dammit!

(and that was AFTER a bunch of ones less than that, including some strike outs.)

Robbie said...

542 was my top score, I encourage you to try and beat it...

BM said...

544.1, that's right.

Laura said...

dudes i can't get past 470.4!!! lol what is wrong with my hand/eye coordination!?!!?!!

i'm actually kinda concerned.. lol

BM said...

its all in your technique, think low, not high... that will help

remember grade ten math? parabolas...