Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Mini putt gone wrong...or gone right? It's amazing the ideas that we came up with between five people 19+, 5 putters, 5 balls, and about a hundred things around us to make into funny jokes... Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 29, 2005

This that and the other.

Before heading off to school for good (as in permanently living in London) I realised I had a ton of shit to do before I finalized my plans... This is what I have been doing since this morning.
1) Tracking down a desk for my house- apparently I am the pickiest person alive (corner desk, funky desk, matching colours...etc...) I go to town in every store and then right when I would pay I decide I should look somewhere else... and here I am . deskless...
2) Forgot that I had made plans with about 100 people before I left Ingersoll- friends, family, right down to old high school teachers... I have covered about 50% of my list.
3) packing- groceries, hygenics, and everything in between...residence did way to much planning for me...
4) catching up on small town gossip- a town with a population of 10 000 had a stabbing, robberies and recently had an officer shot at... I had to find out the culprit (someone from highschool...) and the town is eating this up...

My secret love for small towns is the gossip... love/hate relationship. but living it up for the next 48 hours...

Friday, August 26, 2005

stupid bouncers...

Last night was the first night in my house (as in my new residence) and we decided to kick it off with a bang! It all began with dinner with friends and then a wonderful pre-drink before heading out to Jack's for the night.

So there we were drinking and dancing and having a great time...we then wanted a change of scenery so we decided to go bar hopping! Jim Bob's was empty, so we headed back to Jack's...
Then we went to the Pheonix (because I was not up for walking)
we were greeted by the bouncers at the patio...
" can you walk to that pole and back for me"-bouncer
my friend did a wonderful attempt at a sobre "strut" in the direction of the pole and back.
So g.t.'s it was.
after some more drinks (2.50 beers on thursday) the night ended with a great time and a loss of memories!

loved it... best time ever, a nice welcome to the new neighbourhood.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Red Eye

After admitting to my love for Rachel McAdams, I decided I should go see her new movie... and I was shocked at how good this movie was. I have come to the conclusion that Rachel McAdams only does good movies (with Wedding Crashers, The Notebook (yes, I liked it), and Mean Girls (made me laugh so hard) under her belt) it is clear that this girl is an amazing actress.
Somehow she manages to play a different character in every movie... I love it... Red Eye is suspenseful and very well done considering 3/4 of the movie takes place on a plane. See it, enjoy it... and admit to your obsession with rachel mcadams...lol

Monday, August 22, 2005

Some of Brian's wonderfully captured photography...oh soph weekend, such a wonderful thing... Posted by Picasa

So, last night, there I am watching one of my favorite shows (six feet under) and realizing that it was the last show...ever! So by 10:15 I was so excited to see how they were going to end it...and they did a phenomenal job. I believe I spent the last 15 minutes of the show in tears, but what can you expect? a show about death might not be sad? if you haven't watched an episode, check it out... best series finale ever. Posted by Picasa

hundreds of things running through the mind.

once again, I am doing everything last minute.
The move to London will be complete by friday, however the fact that I have done nothing to prepare is not helping. This week is devoted to getting cheques to landlords, emails to there various receivers, and of course finishing of work and spending time with friends and family.

never fails, it never fails. but I love the last minute rush, it is like sprinting the end of a race. Something that needs to be done for victory!

so I'm gettin' 'er dunn...my last dunnville joke on the blog


Sunday, August 21, 2005

dunn it in dunnville.

as bodies are scrubbed clean, photo's are developed, and blogs of mit-ers are filled with descriptions of great times at this summers camping event, I felt the need to share in my enjoyment of a camping weekend at the Knights Beach Resort.

the best way to describe my enjoyment, a point form list of course :)
things I loved about camping:
- everything (and it's relation to being "done in dunnville")
- jokes about dunnville never getting old "this is how we get 'er dunn"
- the mit crew (was it the intoxicants, nudity, or just the fresh lake erie air that made me have an amazing weekend)
- memorable quotes: "some people choose this" -ingrid, discussing the trailers in the trailer park
-"who invented english?" "dumbest question ever" "man, that conversation lasted a while"
-bacon/porn villain

and so much more... but basically, camping = best time ever

Mit. getting 'er dunn in dunnville since '05

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Goodbye D.C....

So while skimming through my regular entertainment updates the other day, I come to find that...

they have called it quits. As a destiny's child fan (no, I am not embarassed) I know they will be back (including the c.d. of number 1's that they are releasing with more new songs).

last post of the day, I swear Posted by Picasa


I got a tatoo. I will post a picture once it is all done healing.
That was the ultimate achieved goal!

Crap, where the hell did summer go?

It hit that point today where it kicks you in the ass that your summer is almost over. The point where you are like "I go back in three weeks, no wait ...two... no, three" and you are starting to lost track of dates, events and plans. (ie. "we should go out on saturday!" and you agree only to realize that you are already like tripple booked... I hate this part of summer)

As my summer draws to a close, I find humorous happenings like my parents being like "are you going to celebrate the "end of summer" every weekend until it ends?" (in which the obvious response is yes. and by celebrate they clearly mean come home or call home drunk and embarass the shit out of myself ). OR the phrase "are you the first kid to call your parents to tell them you were in a cougar bar and you loved it?". I amaze myself with what I do when I am intoxicated.

But alas, I have evaluated my summer goals and realized I met most of them...here goes:
1) Ipod (done...)
2) Nike Shocks (greatly appreciated, however I have ruined the white colour by dragging them through the mud on drunken nights)
3) Camping with friends, partying with friends from highschool, and planning a spurt of the moment trip (TO thurs/fri)

But of course, the things I didn't get to do:
1) see all the people from my floor who I was positive I would see (I believe I have seen 2. Margaux and Renders (anni when I went to jack astor's but that was the only time...but I am counting it...so 3)
2) work somewhere fun and interesting ( I wasted my days at a job I hated and cannot wait to end (one week :) )

Okay, I am done with brackets and ellipsis...I will end on that


Monday, August 08, 2005

And joining the cast of Fiddler on the Roof in New York... yes, ROSIE O'DONNELL!! aka...the final push for myself to go to new york. "tradition!" Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 04, 2005

sometimes, it just kicks you in the crotch...

So, it has been smooth sailing the last little while...problem free. life sans drama.

However tonight , of course (Random night mid-summer) I get a call that someone has told my cousin facts about myself...

This kills me, apparently...he thought she knew...thanks.

Oh well, when the smoke clears, I will once again realize why spilling your guts to randoms when your drunk is not an optimal solution for anything...

This is the factor that constantly comes back to "kick me in the crotch"

p.s. (random) I'm addicted to CSI & Law and Order... this is what summer gives to me :)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


watched beaches today.
cried like a baby...
sadly, I always give into those movies.
brings up really bad memories (not bad...sad...)

Someone told me it was a comedy...
a similar event occured last week with Stepmom.
Both NOT comedies.
Both sad, sad movies.

Rob=mr. gullible
but I kind of enjoyed the movies...I'm not gonna lie

this is how I am going to spend the last month of summer!

Yes, I went to the country dance saturday...incredible... I love going out, getting crazy, and seeing everyone else do the same (hence my love of friends/family/and yes... I'll admit it, this small f*cking town of Ingersoll).

A story that needs to be shared:
I am leaving the dance (drunken blur fast forwarding three hours) walking towards home with friends...why were they coming along? no idea. anywho, lady pulls up in her car:
-Do you know where a local bar/strip club is?
Drunk Rob: "yes, but it is hard to explain."
-Well, I am trying to catch my husband. He is cheating and I know he is here
**rob gets into the car**
"Looks like we are going on a goose chase"
(drunken blur of conversations...brief recollections of hoping fences to look for some guy's truck and looking behind bars and business for this guy)
"Can I change the radio station?"
-Well, I was kind of hoping we could focus on the task at hand...
"sorry... forgot what we were doing"
-I'd better take you home...

Nicest lady ever, I have her number in case she ever needs help (I gave her mine, I felt it was mutual...)
Parents: "Rob, how did you get home?"
Rob...tells story...
Mom:" What if she was some crazy rapist?"
Dad:"Was she good looking?"
Brother:"how the hell do you always do such crazy shit..."

The mystery continues