Friday, June 09, 2006

Catch me on the links.

The times they are a changing. This is my first post as a full time summer employee, and what are we at...june 10th? A little late on the job bandwagon but on it nonetheless. In preparation for my first days of being an employee I had to finish up the majority of my summer goals and wrap up my unemployed lifestyle. so why not go out with a bang?

In preparation for my summer job I have:
-partied profusely (funk music, patios, and dance floor moves are now just a weekend thing)
-shopped (end of season sales = low bank balances)
-eaten everything in sight (I will be walking a short distance to work, so I might as well start a diet then)

I bought a new book today, I have cleaned my room, and even picked up the clubs for a round of golf in the past week (which will be a post on it's own), but let the summer work begin bitches!!!

too ready for this. I watched my last reel of daytime t.v. today...sad, but true.