Thursday, March 30, 2006

my good luck floated away.

on a cup of coffee...

I don't even know where to begin this story because frankly, it fits the tale of an upcoming Lindsay Lohan film...but I shall continue it anyways.

So there I was standing in line awaiting my step up for java (or my java order rather) and my prof (who will remain nameless) came up behind me and started small talk. for this I thank her because we both 'know' eachother, but conversation could have been tremendously awkward. (ie...' so, it's ugh...sunny out' you know, that crap).

I digress through examples and brackets, but I will continue.

The topic of the 'roll up the rim to win' comes up and we began to discuss eachothers odds. They were as follows:
Rob 7 wins 7 losses (six coffees, one muffin)
Prof 0 wins 20attempts (her estimate)

I reluctantly gave her my tips of sticking to a standard size (usually extra large) as those cups sell the least (really, no increased odds, but this is how my non-mathematical mind works), and finally told her that it might just be me being lucky.

Needless to say, that day my coffee was a loser (and her's won)

And I have been losing ever since...

Might this be a lesson for me not to spread my competitive spirit by comparing odds? or really having the 'horseshoe-up-my-ass' finally pass?

I guess I will never know, but the story needed to be shared before it was known as Lindsay Lohan's new movie.

Friday, March 24, 2006

laughter is the best medicine.

you know when you find everything/anything funny? perhaps it has been because I have been locked in a room in the upper floor of the ucc for the past four days that have made the following things 'pants wetting' material... and enough to make you smile and enjoy the little things along the way.

to destressing!



so predictable...yet still enjoyable

and finally!

here's to yet another round of final's procrastination!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

dancing is good for the soul.

I don't feel the need to comment on the above picture, but I would assume that the colour and the recent date that has passed will do the justice of my level of intoxification and my behaviour.

I have been caught in this warp speed of time over the last two weeks. I mean, just a few seconds ago (or so it feels like) it was reading I am 6 weeks away from the end of my second year, and man I cannot believe how fast everything is going! But I am loving every second of it.

When most would be stressed, I am doing the thing where I am trying not to let it get to me. This is my new tactic in life, to let it all roll of my back, or as Jay-Z would put it 'brush your shoulders off' (mariah carey would just shake it off, you can decide what works best).

I was discussing with a friend about 'truths' and the admittance of facts that you will/will not reveal to as per my blogging style, I composed three things that I never share (but are truths that are on my mind regularly):
1) I think (constantly) about what is going to happen to all my friends (past/present) and how long I will remain close with all of them.
2) I hate having others hate me/dislike me. I say I am okay with it, but deep down it drives me up the wall.
3) I always sing when I am alone. and have been caught many times doing embarassing.

As we dive into essays and final assignments I know that it is the goal of every blog reader to procrastinate a little bit longer, and party just a little bit harder!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

check your inhibitions at the door.

so here I sit in the library studying...correction, I am in the pride library blogging and I just had to write about the hilarity and the love I already have for this library.

for starters, I see the same crowd (of about 20 people) in this library all the time, perhaps we all have the hopes of meeting mr. (or mrs...depending on how you swing) right in an academic setting, rather than drunk at a bar.

secondly, there is a large glass window seperating the library from the back of first floor weldon, and as people flow past it's as if they wish to tap on the window of our fishbowl and say 'man, that's what gay people look like studying' (this I say in complete sarcasm).

thirdly, I have friends who won't come into this library for fear of scrutiny on their heterosexuality... this is the funniest thing I have ever heard. and it is a nice welcome to 2006 lol ( a fear of being straight in a public place).

and lastly, this library is ten times more colourful than any other one on campus...

although I say this all with a sarcastic undertone, I do have a secretly love for studying here. Not only is it quiet and fairly traffic-free, it also serves as a nice setting for discussions when there is the right crowd in here.

but that is enough procrastinating for one 'homework' session, I hope everyone is enjoying the two full day countdown to the best partying day university has to offer!

Friday, March 10, 2006

to be fair.

To be fair, is it wrong to complain about an education i am getting, if I am paying for it, choosing the courses, and enjoying it (major assignments aside).

I was laughing at myself last night as I was going on about some issue with how many projects/essays I have due in the week of April 1-7 and how they always seem to cake on work all at once...and then I realized that I chose the courses, and paid the tab. So my grounds for complaining = none.

So, I am over it. I will 'turn that frown upside down' and get back on the school train and live it up for the next two months... as third year isn't that far away.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

buck and doe's, stag and doe's, jack and jill's.

I am not sure who invented the stag and doe, but they deserve an award.

Last night I was able to attend a stag and doe for a close friend of mine and as per usual, I was not let down. A mad predrink led to us running into the dance hall ready to party. Now a dance that includes party favours, games, midnight buffets, and cheap drinks could never be thought of as a bad idea. For those who disagree, I am sorry your life is so boring.

The best part about this 'buck and doe' is that it was in our classic small town setting. I knew everyone there, and it was almost a two year reunion from highschool... some people I never thought I would see again showed up, and it was nice not having awkwardness (c/o the intoxicants I had consumed)... even teachers came out for the party!

Just when I think I can take my small town history anymore, they go and throw a night like this!

In sum, it ended up with me and three girlfriends getting dragged out of a local bar because our after party turned into them hitting and punching three hockey players. I moved away in fear, but the three lippy girls continued the trash talk...which got us an escort right into our cab home... which we hopped out of and ran away! and went back into the bar in the other door.

shortly after we were told we were never allowed back...almost embarassing. then we called it a night.

go buck and doe's!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

you know I love a good parody.

Instead of working on the two essays due monday, I have spent my productive saturday surfing the net.

So, here is (in my opinion) the ultimate broadway lovers site... Forbidden Broadway!

Here is the link so that you can check it out, you want the second video clip (for the video's of the songs).

Happy procrastinating!

the wandering mind goes south.

I never give my family enough credit. Normally while at home we do all act stupid together, make jokes, and constantly pick eachother apart...which over a seven day vacation, most people would terribly annoyed.

But this is where my family is different. This is the first family vacation where we have gone 7 days laughing right until we got off the plane back in Ontario. I have never seen my family as 'friends' but, this trip we acted like a group of friends teasing everyone whenever they slipped up on their words, or whenever they embarassed themselves in front of a group. I would write some of the major slip ups, but I feel as though they were only funny in the moment, or perhaps in a descriptive story told aloud. But overall, probably my best reading week yet. (last years was spent back at school early because I decided to work during the whole break...)

Let me just sum up the trip in total.
First of all, leading up to the trip I had mon/tues/wed midterms, and headed home at 11pm on the wednesday night....For which I had a total of 16 hours of sleep over the two days... and so it begins.
- we watch Rent (on video) before heading to the airport at 4a.m.
-board the plane at 7:30 and are enroute for Varedeiro, Cuba
-arrive at 11:00 am, head to hotel...In total, I have been up for 28 hours.
-start drinking/laying on beach
-4:30pm wake up on beach, realizing I have passed out, in the sun, for the last three hours
-party all night with newfoundlanders until 6am.

For the rest of the days, the formula works out as:
Rise-Eat-Beach-Eat-Beach-Nap-Dinner-Cards/Drink-Disco-After Party!
(* 'drink' can accompany any of the above options)

Finally, I did learn three things while in Cuba:
1) Ontarians, as hard as we try, cannot keep up with East Coast drinkers. my hat goes off to them.
2) It is a small, small world...(my second cousins showed up at the same resort half way through the week)
3) I will never be able to spend another reading week in cold S.W.O.
and a 4th bonus: never defer work until after the break...

hola amigo's/amiga's!