Monday, May 22, 2006

there is just something about 'old skool'

Before I went away to school you couldn't have paid me to go to a retro/oldschool music function without rolling my eyes. There used to be that not-cool-esque to retro styles where people would laugh at the thought of disco music.

This has totally changed.

Whether it be funk or disco, or even just old fashioned tunes (Pat Benetar incl) CTO and retro tunes totally make my night. A long weekend wouldn't make sense to be spent anywhere except for a retro dance party, and a retro dance party it was indeed. Although I haunted the floor with my 'Heartbreaker' performance, I feel as though my dates and I redeemed ourselves during 'Vogue' and 'Gimme Gimme Gimme'...

most people wouldn't admit to the key performances from their night out, but I was in a good state of mind and 'grooving' to the tunes. so now my bar nights are sun-wed, spanning all the decades prior to my own.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

until a good job comes...

I have been playing the employment waiting game for the past three weeks now and it is getting a little ridiculous. I am so tired of sending off resumes, doing call backs, and attending pointless interviews (for the jobs you know you will never take). In the mean time I have been watching movies, Ellen, reading again, and enjoying the company of friends.

but as good as that is, there is little profit in hanging out with friends who like to party/head out all the time.

The other day I took the time to sit and watch the movie on the right, and I would be lying if I said I didn't find it amazing... although yes it was slow, and yes Cameron Diaz isn't my favorite person, the movie is your standard 'family forever' storyline. which, in times of a madhunt for employment during your first summer away from home, is a good feeling to have leaving a film. and I promise when the excitement in my life picks up I will fill this blog with summer hilarities, but until then you are stuck with the ramblings of a movie watcher.

And I have to welcome back ms. alex to the city! I knew she wouldn't be able to stay away for long....this means everyone's favorite terrible twosome will be on the prowl in London this summer... so I guess things are lookin' up !

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

let the movie reviews begin.

Okay, so I haven't made it too far on the 'cult classics', but I have started catching up on all the 'new releases' that sat on the backburner during the school year.

Derailed kicked it off, followed by Wolf Creek (don't waste your time), and of course Last Holiday! Who doesn't appreciate a good comedy with Queen Latifah?

and with a long weekend around the corner dedicated to parties, patios, and poor judgement (I went for the last one just for the alliteration), who can sit around and hunt for a job seriously.

but if anyone asks, I am...

P.S. it is supposed to be a cool 8 degrees all weekend, go Ontario!...

Up next are: Monster in Law (I'll admit it), King Kong, and Narnia. I hate living this close to a movie store.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


it's a totally different city during the summer.

The busses run at their own schedule (or maybe its just the times no longer apply).
The bars aren't lined up. Barney's only uses half of their patio.
The Ceeps is CLOSED monday to thursday!
Jobs are a rare commodity.
Randoms/sketchballs are out in full force, especially since I am not surrounded by my bubble that is school.

But alas, there is a summer crew, and the summer crew loves to party. My new found love for a good glass of wine, a nice book, or a movie are actually things I never thought I would ever come to enjoy...but two weeks as an independent in the city have turned me into a fourty year old wino with a love for sappy movies and interesting books.

Monday, May 08, 2006 time.

My hunt for summer employment has ran a little dry. I counted up every email in my outbox and every resume I have dropped off, and so far I am 2:24 (as in two callbacks for twenty four resumes), but I will keep you posted as to how the rest of my job searching goes.

But with all this free time I have been able to catch up on my reading, movie watching, and of course... money wasting adventures. The first favorite of the season was 'Family Stone', which I passed up when it was released over Christmas for fear it was a shitty movie and would kill my love for SJP. Needless to say the movie surpassed my expecations, unlike Match Point which proves that I cannot stand the abstract ideas that flow from Woody Allen.

and look, the first wedding of the season. In fairness to myself, this is my only wedding of the season, but as the emcee I can say I did a damn good job. So congrats to my dear friend Carmen on the happiest day of her life.
This was my party crew for the night, and party we did (minus the maid of honour to my right, she had some responsibilities to uphold...)

This was the first wedding out of my group of close friends, and this year I have seen three engagement rings fall onto other peoples fingers, so I am assuming next years wedding season will be action packed with celebrations.

But back to the summer days and nights of patios and partying. (and the countdown is on until the DaVinci Code and, as embarassing as it sounds, X Men III).

Monday, May 01, 2006

I cracked

I am staying in London for the summer and I am so excited. But of course, calls from home have been filling my voice mail with the lists of students/friends who have returned to Ingersoll and my parents haven't received a visit since Easter.

and I gave in. I started packing my stuff today to head home for a week (roughly) I will be coming into London to avoid my house (like the plague) but after this week I will be coming back into the city full time... I swear.

Although free food and board are tempting, unmonitored summer partying is by far the better option.