Thursday, October 13, 2005

not the same...

It's not the same being sick when you are away at school. You know when you feel it coming on and those around you really feel no sympathy (or care) towards your oncoming illness. and I hate that. I am being hypocritical as normally when someone says there sick I am quick to think "baby...", but coming out of a cold I will try to never think that again.

The things that suck are:
- you have to pay the ridiculously high prices for medicines (and hi, the "no name brand" only knocks four dollars off of 12.99, and when you need cough syrup, pills, and tylenol it can turn into a $30 adventure)
- you have to prepare your own comfort food ( chicken soup doesn't taste the same when you make it yourself)
- you suffer through the cold with little sympathy from those around you (you empty your own garbage full of kleenex's, wash all your empty tea mugs, and struggle through putting away your mess after you enjoy your chicken noodle soup)
- and finally, there is some genuine comfort in having someone (normally a parent) take some pity on you and allow you just to put your feet up and relax (could you imagine having a prof pull a "Rob, you don't look so good...head home and put your feet up and I will stop by to help you with your assignment and to make you some soup")

Needless to say I am almost over my cold, but felt the need to express my coldness towards them (a pun on illness, the ultimate in wit)...

vitamin c it up, we are in cold season pt. 2... I can hardly wait for the flu season to begin...

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