Monday, October 24, 2005

I am a sell out...

I know, how tacky is it to casually post about a new product on your blog? (especially one from such a horrid conglomerate like CocaCola) but my summer addiction to diet coke has led to a love for all new forms of diet beverages.... and who knows, perhaps this is a product placement in which CocaCola will be paying for the rest of my post-secondary education (is it bad that I can sell out that easily?)

Anyways, back to the original story of how Ms. Alex and I spent our orientation week addicted to Diet Coke(now, I believe addiction is the perfect word as there wasn't one moment where one of us didn't have a 'd.c.' on us, or weren't in a desperate hunt to find one) and I thought all along that d.c. was full of 'zero's'.... I stand corrected.

Yes, I fell victim to being suckered into Coke's new 'Diet coke Zero' and am ashamed to admit my enjoyment of the new product... and I know, how sad that this is
a) news on an mit students blog
b) I am actually using up a monday afternoon writing about this
c) probably going to go upstairs and have one....

I'm a sell out, but come on, aren't you craving one?
last product promo of the blog, I promise...


Robbie said...

Jane, if that is your real name, screw off and spam somewhere else...

I am planning on rivalling all spam comments with bitterness towards them...

BOO SPAM!(this is the sad, internet punishment they shall receive)

Laura said...

hahahha greatest spam ever.

i too am in love with coke zero.

it tastes sooo good and its just flavoured, carbonated water! lol.

how do they do that?!

(ps are you guys going by 'Rob and Will' or 'Will and Rob'?? hahahahahahahah)

terrashmerra said...

zero & gin ? captain weird drink !

syl said...

robert! it's just COKE ZERO, not diet. This Coke zero you love so much is identical to DIET COKE lol. Just a new name for marketing. Come on Rob, you are better than this ;)