Sunday, May 29, 2005

Some might say that's embarassing...

First of all, there should be some feature on your msn so that it cannot be accessed when you are intoxicated (perhaps a breathalizer test on ur computer, I don't know, just an idea I have been throwing around ) alas, there is not and this is when embarassment overtakes you.

Yes, I committed the ultimate sin of drinking and decided to go online upon my return home, and go online I did. I decided that I would email every question I had ever pondered to people that I would never ask to their face... ie... "what happened to us?" or example b) "what was it that kept us from not getting to know eachother?"....probably sounds cheesy, but I took low key examples from the email(s) to use within this blog.

So, after an attempt to clear the air on the emails with the people who had received them, I felt bad/embarassed as I called them out on stuff I would never ever want to talk about, and these poor people probably felt the need to answer, when really...the questions were unanswerable.
(see msn response today "I don't know what you want me to say")

yup, fucked that up royally, but this is what a few beers, a couple whiskey sours, and a shot of tequila will do to you! I am going to try and patent my computer breathalizer test, maybe that will give me some much needed $ for school.

-out like the fat kid in dodgeball

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