Tuesday, June 14, 2005

okay now...

So here is the scoop:
watching some of my favorite news sources I couldn't help but notice the uproar that is happening within the local community that I (in an attempt to keep this blog completely seperate from politics, am taking a moment to join the two).;
First off:
Abortion Doctor speaking at Western Graduation and supposed "peaceful protest" from Prolife'rs (including a prayer for the souls of those pro abortion). Wait, I fail to see the connection b/w the people standing and praying and the graduates of Western. Oh yes, this man did go to Western, and he did go on to help society (hate to break it to you but abortion is legal, so deal with it). If someone every came up and said a prayer for my soul because I was prochoice I would be disgusted that they would even offer. Before I go making an ass of myself, I am not sure if they are Western Students or Not, but I could see the graduates questioning who was speaking at the event, but randoms (possible western alumni) praying in the distance is really unnecessary...

Same Sex Marriage, apparently a hot topic amongst priests everywhere who are defending their religions. I can see if you would like to preach for or against it within your sermon (as that no one has control over) but again, the law is not forcing all priests to practise same sex marriages, and at the same time I would like to think that if any straight person was told that they could not marry because of government law that they would try to change or push for change so that they could live (married) with a partner of their choice.

Done with hot topics, but today at work I was just stewing listening to people talk about it and after seeing it on the news I was furiated. This is what a blog is for, these moments.

Sorry if some do not agree, these points were listed right off the top of my head (meaning there could be some mis communication in them) In sum : prochoice/prosamesexmarriage
