Wednesday, June 15, 2005

making plans....

Today we made weekend plans with the people at work (beerstore), an ol' blaze and bowl...yes, a night of marijuana and bowling. Interesting some might say, a winning combo I would say back. I realize just how nice it is to make plans: inviting someone, having them agree, coming up with ideas-where to go, what to do- and just let them play out. love it...

Tori and I spent last weekend together. kept it low key, it was nice....different. on friday we opted for boys on the side...I cried my eyes out (cursive movie) a must see, but very touching.

Random: I IMDB'd a search on Heather Graham to see what she was up to now (she came up in conversation) and I was shocked to see that she had 45 productions under her belt...too many, too few?! don't really know...

Onto my rosie o'donnel obsession, I watched her episode of Queer As Folk on Monday where she told off her ex husband, confessed her love for a woman, and kissed a woman... loved it.

This draws my night to a close, off to bed for me. this 6am waking is killing me softly...

p.s. alanis morisette unplugged @ starbucks (these are a few of my favorite things)


Laura said...

ahhhh!!! i love QAF!!

i think i have seen every single episode multiple times!!!!

and I love Rosie O'Donnell!!!!

and I love Boys on the Side!!

Rob Stewart, we have WAY too much in common lol

Robbie said...

I am glad someone enjoys the combination of those three...and yes, we have too much in common (I love it) :)