Saturday, February 18, 2006

a week indeed...

so let's recap...
4 days
3 midterms
2 papers
random collection of stuff

if you don't see me this week, this is why :)

happy reading week to all.


alex said...

ooh, i totally agree with that non-serious standpoint.

it'll all be done and over with soon, and you'll be lying on a beach in cuba thinking "what midterm?"

so.. fuck it, and just get it over with? yup, that's MY grey's anatomy-inclusive advice.

(speaking of which, last night's episode, OHMYGOD!?)

nicole said...

Rob I missed you at God's party on saturday night!

However, I envy your abiltiy to be responsible, I'm still working on that. . . it's not like I have a presentation, mid-term, and essay due this week. Oh wait. .

The beaches are waiting.