Sunday, January 08, 2006

you can't deny the t.v.

I think we would all be lying some of us were to say...this isn't the best show on t.v. right now. I know, many shows are mentioned in this blog but come on, we live in a world where television (and all popular culture dominate our lives) so yes, I feel the need to comment on the recent events of desperate housewives.

I might add that normally I see through the charade of a crappy show (like the o.c. for example) but some shows just draw me right in...and I love it.

Desperate housewives has just become a sassy show that I love watching (it's like a soap opera on at night), and the facet that it is followed by grey's anatomy makes sunday night television that much sweeter.

With all this great television, I am amazed that I have time for my studies...who am I kidding, a media student studies with the t.v. on...

am I right?

science kids hate me.


alex said...

ok.. grey's anatomy, yes yes yes.

six feet under, yes even more.

but i honestly can only handle lynette and bree's storylines on dh anymore. gabrielle maybe.

susan myers needs to fucking GO AWAY. she looks like she has down syndrome, and really, she's just a retard ALL THE TIME. gross. god, i hate watching her.

and also, the stupid-applewhite-stigmatized-only-black-family-on-wisteria-lane-must-be-criminals-have-stupid-non-advancing-plotlines-about-son-locked-in-basement family needs to.. change some shit. get a better storyline. fast.

go media, go.

Robbie said...

for someone who claims not to be a number one fan, you sure know your facts...

six feet under is a god send...too bad it has ended (damn you hbo and your ability to not drag out a series to long).

lost, 24, I love good t.v. still.

go media, go.

syl said...

bahahahah first of all. DH is amazing. second of all, alex's rant about susan mayer and the token black family is even more incredible!!!!

but bree definitely takes the cake with best acting/storyline. so far anyways.