Tuesday, January 10, 2006

college invasion

Tonight, my roomate and close friend did something a little different. Our original plans included a boring trip downtown for cheap martini's and good times. low and behold, the downtown core was ridiculously packed so we returned home.

Once here, we joked about the stories of college invasion coming to Western, and then we all admitted that none of us had viewed the film.

This is now a lie.

Yes, the three of us sat around a labtop as we watched the video online and I have to say...it was a little bit of a let down.

From a porno standpoint it was fine, but from a face recognizing-able-to-laugh-at-people-you-know kind of live film, we were let down.

Now, I will be the first to admit that porn is often joked about at parties, or the subject of many humorous stories from highschool, sex and the city episodes, etc...but rarely have three sober people sat around and watched a porno and attempted a critique of it.

Random, I know. but I was just giving a heads up to others who think they might recognize people in the film. Probably not true, but feel free to experiment.

1 comment:

BM said...

this is kind of embarassing and cruel on my part, but last year my roommate thom and i downloaded a bunch of porn from uwgo onto our sweet, quiet, christian friend steph's computer. and made her watch it. can you say residence agreement violation?

briana banks - 'flashflood' was our particular favourite, and mostly for the outstanding acting in it...