Saturday, December 17, 2005

what to call a post with no name.

I am not sure if someone signed me up for this being an ass, or if this is just a constant, genuine mass email spam that I get at least once a week. No offence to the religious, but I am not christian, nor am I overly interested in joining a network of christian singles for dating purposes...

actually, it seems ironic that a christian network would contact me of all people, I fit zero of the churches criteria for good behaviour (or moral values).

I remember a time when I was haunted by emails about Shakira coming back into the music scene...and low and behold she has appeared.

perhaps these emails are signs of impending christianity?

I need a beer....

1 comment:

Me said...

HAHAHA that's awesome. Shakira's crazy. And you seem like quite the little bad boy Mr. Rob.