First of all, I would like to start by saying we have BASIC cable at our house... yes, as students we came to the responsible decision that we didn't need all the 'flashy' channels and we could get by with just 27 channels.
At first this seemed reasonable, we have the channels for my favorites (desperate housewives, gray's anatomy, etc.) but that was all we needed... but we never really thought of what we could watch mon-fri, 9-5.
Just to put this in perspective, all we get is court shows. Originally I couldn't watch them, but after a couple episodes of Judge Marilyn Milian, I couldn't resist myself... Now I have a daily dose of court shows including some old favorites like Judge Judy, Judge Joe Brown, and even some of the newer ones (but I forget their names...thank god).
Is there a lesson in all this? yes...
just pay the extra $ you cheap bastard and spring for much music... I mean, fandemonium is better than this crap...
haha, one of the last time i was home, my fam and i had a little joint o'clock and watched some jerry springer and back-to-back episodes of judge joe brown.
we are oh-so-typical, non?
LOL That's awesome. I remember watching "The People's Court" with good 'ol Judge Wapner. Marilyn is much hotter!
You should call and order the cool channels and then call back after they connect them and cancel them. They almost never come back to actually take the channels away because they are lazy! Yay apathetic workers at rogers!!
we've got the free Rogers preview right now, but its back to basic in a week...
trust me, you're not missing much except Oprah reruns and dozens more weird reality shows (Wife Swap? the Decorating Challange: Kids? jebus.)
then again, with 200+ channels we still dont get MuchMusic or the Comedy Network.
cheap Rogers bastards.
I know, I feel as if I had all the specialty channels I would become one of those 'I don't really watch t.v. that much' people...
come on, who are they kidding?
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