Monday, August 29, 2005

This that and the other.

Before heading off to school for good (as in permanently living in London) I realised I had a ton of shit to do before I finalized my plans... This is what I have been doing since this morning.
1) Tracking down a desk for my house- apparently I am the pickiest person alive (corner desk, funky desk, matching colours...etc...) I go to town in every store and then right when I would pay I decide I should look somewhere else... and here I am . deskless...
2) Forgot that I had made plans with about 100 people before I left Ingersoll- friends, family, right down to old high school teachers... I have covered about 50% of my list.
3) packing- groceries, hygenics, and everything in between...residence did way to much planning for me...
4) catching up on small town gossip- a town with a population of 10 000 had a stabbing, robberies and recently had an officer shot at... I had to find out the culprit (someone from highschool...) and the town is eating this up...

My secret love for small towns is the gossip... love/hate relationship. but living it up for the next 48 hours...

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