Monday, May 16, 2005

the realization that you are back in a small town...

Being back in Ingersoll (post first year) has really given me the opportunity to open my eyes and realize what "small towns" are really like...

I have been here two weeks, and I have seen so many friends from high school who have given up on life, ran into a guy from my highschool who got beat up and mugged because he was gay (in ingersoll), and seen all the reasons why I wanted to leave this town so badly ( nothing to do ).

I hope this town is actually doing me some good, as right now I hate it and canot wait to be back in a bigger city. In ingersoll, everyone stands out, and I pity everyone who has to suffer for this... Everyone knows everything, or at least assumes the worst...

That is my vent about hating the town in which I live, but I don't really have to stay here all the time (which is my mission in

This is all for now, pretty random and boring, but it was on my mind all weekend.


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