Friday, February 18, 2005

Horrible troubles with timing...

It is officially the eve of reading week and with no major plans, and no real goals for the week I am realizing that it may in turn be a bit of a let down. Slack week is highly overrated, as most of your profs preplan ways to screw you when you return... I am not mad that I have an english test the monday morning back, and a quiz that night, but it does affect the workload I have next week.

Sorry about my horrible timing in writing blogs, but I have come to the realization that this blog is going to be random, so daily entries may never exist, if I do have a reader out there (and pity them for reading through the horridly boring adventures of myself) I thank you...

Well, although I am sure some of you have heard the story from me already, today in English class I managed to embarass myself in front of about ten people. When the t/a asked "who was the author of the bible", Rob quickly replied "Jesus?" as I thought I was on the right track. After a few giggles and a funny look from my t/a I realized that "God" was the author and the reason why I put "God" in quotation marks is because I am not sure how his/her name should be spelt in informal writing...but this thought is too deep for a thursday night/friday morning...

Curse you writing prof for assigning a stupid project due on the eve of "Slack Week", which I might rename to "working my ass off" week, it's got a nice ring to it! But after I finish this assignment, I will be having a beer and slacking for a day...take that post secondary education, how do you like thems apples? Slack week...pff...even the name is crap...

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