so, here I am scanning through blogs (okay...Rosie O'donnel's again...guilty as charged) and I followed a random link to this girl who is "living in niagra". She posted the funniest thing I have ever seen just about what she hates about people... I have decided to copy and paste it into my blog for u to read.
from the website:
9 Things I hate about everyone:
1. People who point at their wrist while asking you for the time... I know where my watch is pal, where the hell is yours? Do I point at my crotch when I ask where the toilet is?
...5. When People say while watching a film "did you see that?". No loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the damn floor.
...9. When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks "Has the bus come yet?". If the bus came would I be standing here, dumbass?
I loved me thinking about some things I hate about everyone:
a) the people who press the elevator button after it is clearly lit almost feel like saying "few, maybe now it nows we're serious"
b) when someone answers the phone and you say "hi is 'soandso' there" and they answer "yes"... put it together people, I called to talk to them , not to hang out in awkward silence...
that is all I can think of but as they come, I will post :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
In the car on the drive home, I looked into the review mirror, and out the front window... it was like seeing the past and future just open, lying there...
Felt weird to step back into perspective, even though it was just a country road...
i might be too stoned for this thought...
Felt weird to step back into perspective, even though it was just a country road...
i might be too stoned for this thought...
Monday, June 27, 2005

I never give this girl enough credit...she is my best friend, idol, and just an amazing person. I have known her for 9 years now and it seems like we met in the grade 4 class room just yesterday... On the eve of her age of majority (thurs!!) I felt the need to post and reflect on just how amazing I am to have a best friend like her...more pics to come... I am in a picture mood :)

Sunday, June 26, 2005
Saturday, June 25, 2005
too long...
So, it has been too long for a post so I decided I should write one...drunk... yes, that is right. Tonight's post is coming rigt from the mind.
Let me start off by saying that working 65 hours a week sucks anus...cause it does... and I am currently trying to maintain a life around this shittyness! But alas, to bed I go.
A real post should soon follow :)
Let me start off by saying that working 65 hours a week sucks anus...cause it does... and I am currently trying to maintain a life around this shittyness! But alas, to bed I go.
A real post should soon follow :)
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
making plans....
Today we made weekend plans with the people at work (beerstore), an ol' blaze and bowl...yes, a night of marijuana and bowling. Interesting some might say, a winning combo I would say back. I realize just how nice it is to make plans: inviting someone, having them agree, coming up with ideas-where to go, what to do- and just let them play out. love it...
Tori and I spent last weekend together. kept it low key, it was nice....different. on friday we opted for boys on the side...I cried my eyes out (cursive movie) a must see, but very touching.
Random: I IMDB'd a search on Heather Graham to see what she was up to now (she came up in conversation) and I was shocked to see that she had 45 productions under her belt...too many, too few?! don't really know...
Onto my rosie o'donnel obsession, I watched her episode of Queer As Folk on Monday where she told off her ex husband, confessed her love for a woman, and kissed a woman... loved it.
This draws my night to a close, off to bed for me. this 6am waking is killing me softly...
p.s. alanis morisette unplugged @ starbucks (these are a few of my favorite things)
Tori and I spent last weekend together. kept it low key, it was nice....different. on friday we opted for boys on the side...I cried my eyes out (cursive movie) a must see, but very touching.
Random: I IMDB'd a search on Heather Graham to see what she was up to now (she came up in conversation) and I was shocked to see that she had 45 productions under her belt...too many, too few?! don't really know...
Onto my rosie o'donnel obsession, I watched her episode of Queer As Folk on Monday where she told off her ex husband, confessed her love for a woman, and kissed a woman... loved it.
This draws my night to a close, off to bed for me. this 6am waking is killing me softly...
p.s. alanis morisette unplugged @ starbucks (these are a few of my favorite things)
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
okay now...
So here is the scoop:
watching some of my favorite news sources I couldn't help but notice the uproar that is happening within the local community that I (in an attempt to keep this blog completely seperate from politics, am taking a moment to join the two).;
First off:
Abortion Doctor speaking at Western Graduation and supposed "peaceful protest" from Prolife'rs (including a prayer for the souls of those pro abortion). Wait, I fail to see the connection b/w the people standing and praying and the graduates of Western. Oh yes, this man did go to Western, and he did go on to help society (hate to break it to you but abortion is legal, so deal with it). If someone every came up and said a prayer for my soul because I was prochoice I would be disgusted that they would even offer. Before I go making an ass of myself, I am not sure if they are Western Students or Not, but I could see the graduates questioning who was speaking at the event, but randoms (possible western alumni) praying in the distance is really unnecessary...
Same Sex Marriage, apparently a hot topic amongst priests everywhere who are defending their religions. I can see if you would like to preach for or against it within your sermon (as that no one has control over) but again, the law is not forcing all priests to practise same sex marriages, and at the same time I would like to think that if any straight person was told that they could not marry because of government law that they would try to change or push for change so that they could live (married) with a partner of their choice.
Done with hot topics, but today at work I was just stewing listening to people talk about it and after seeing it on the news I was furiated. This is what a blog is for, these moments.
Sorry if some do not agree, these points were listed right off the top of my head (meaning there could be some mis communication in them) In sum : prochoice/prosamesexmarriage
watching some of my favorite news sources I couldn't help but notice the uproar that is happening within the local community that I (in an attempt to keep this blog completely seperate from politics, am taking a moment to join the two).;
First off:
Abortion Doctor speaking at Western Graduation and supposed "peaceful protest" from Prolife'rs (including a prayer for the souls of those pro abortion). Wait, I fail to see the connection b/w the people standing and praying and the graduates of Western. Oh yes, this man did go to Western, and he did go on to help society (hate to break it to you but abortion is legal, so deal with it). If someone every came up and said a prayer for my soul because I was prochoice I would be disgusted that they would even offer. Before I go making an ass of myself, I am not sure if they are Western Students or Not, but I could see the graduates questioning who was speaking at the event, but randoms (possible western alumni) praying in the distance is really unnecessary...
Same Sex Marriage, apparently a hot topic amongst priests everywhere who are defending their religions. I can see if you would like to preach for or against it within your sermon (as that no one has control over) but again, the law is not forcing all priests to practise same sex marriages, and at the same time I would like to think that if any straight person was told that they could not marry because of government law that they would try to change or push for change so that they could live (married) with a partner of their choice.
Done with hot topics, but today at work I was just stewing listening to people talk about it and after seeing it on the news I was furiated. This is what a blog is for, these moments.
Sorry if some do not agree, these points were listed right off the top of my head (meaning there could be some mis communication in them) In sum : prochoice/prosamesexmarriage
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Thursday, June 09, 2005
forgot...funny story...
This could only happen to me:
This morning in my daze of a shower (ie..hopped out of bed and into shower) I was turning to grab the shampoo and I accidentally hit the cord of the shower head with my hand, and it was about to tumble down so as I turned to grab it I accidentally hit it and gave it more power and it hit me in the nads...yes, raw contact of shower head to groin...
This story is embarassing and fit for a blog...could only happen to me, and hurt like fuck...
hope u enjoyed...
This morning in my daze of a shower (ie..hopped out of bed and into shower) I was turning to grab the shampoo and I accidentally hit the cord of the shower head with my hand, and it was about to tumble down so as I turned to grab it I accidentally hit it and gave it more power and it hit me in the nads...yes, raw contact of shower head to groin...
This story is embarassing and fit for a blog...could only happen to me, and hurt like fuck...
hope u enjoyed...
lost in the music that is broadway...
Well, the addiction has begun again, heard some broadway music and it has taken over again... and I love it. I am currently working 7:30-3:00 and on the way to work it is a full tilt sing along, man, if only people knew about this car dance/singing because I would be muchos embarassed.
In other news, I have been searching for my livestrong bracelet online, and well, I purchased a few of them...yes, the bracelets are now so common it's not funny, but I am still going for them... (fyi: one livestrong, one black one and one white one to symbolize anti-racism) I will done these with the greatest of pride.
Aretha Franklin/Hugh Jackman Tribute: "there's a place for us", not my favorite song (as it comes at a dumb point in the play) but still a good one (Babs also does a killer version, takes awhile to get going, but enjoy it).
For the fellow broadway lovers you must download:
1) Find your grail- Spamalot (the girl who is singing won the tony)
2) Light in the piazza- statues and stories (again, lady singing first won the tony)
I taped rosie on the view the other day and have yet to watch it, and I caught her on Queer as Folk this week (yes, a gay soap opera that is really quite enjoyable, and now with rosie's involvement and I am obsessed).
--robbie ( I sign everyone like it doesn't say my name on my blog...ocd...)
In other news, I have been searching for my livestrong bracelet online, and well, I purchased a few of them...yes, the bracelets are now so common it's not funny, but I am still going for them... (fyi: one livestrong, one black one and one white one to symbolize anti-racism) I will done these with the greatest of pride.
Aretha Franklin/Hugh Jackman Tribute: "there's a place for us", not my favorite song (as it comes at a dumb point in the play) but still a good one (Babs also does a killer version, takes awhile to get going, but enjoy it).
For the fellow broadway lovers you must download:
1) Find your grail- Spamalot (the girl who is singing won the tony)
2) Light in the piazza- statues and stories (again, lady singing first won the tony)
I taped rosie on the view the other day and have yet to watch it, and I caught her on Queer as Folk this week (yes, a gay soap opera that is really quite enjoyable, and now with rosie's involvement and I am obsessed).
--robbie ( I sign everyone like it doesn't say my name on my blog...ocd...)
Monday, June 06, 2005
I loved it...
Yes, the Tony's were on last night, and yes, I eat that stuff for breakfast...and it truly was amazing!
It pointed out that I need to go to new york asap for it's various things (BROADWAY!!)...
I believe broadway is the only place where a monty python play can succeed "find your grail", and The light in the Piazza...talking about them gives me butterflies, I could have watched the performance over and over again...
Including Christina Appelgate in Sweet Charity ("if they could see me now")...
Just throwing that in there as she was actually really good. And the other celebs on the stage: Hugh Jackman, John Lithgow, and Aretha Franklin (west side story tribute)...
hooked on broadway...
It pointed out that I need to go to new york asap for it's various things (BROADWAY!!)...
I believe broadway is the only place where a monty python play can succeed "find your grail", and The light in the Piazza...talking about them gives me butterflies, I could have watched the performance over and over again...
Including Christina Appelgate in Sweet Charity ("if they could see me now")...
Just throwing that in there as she was actually really good. And the other celebs on the stage: Hugh Jackman, John Lithgow, and Aretha Franklin (west side story tribute)...
hooked on broadway...
Sunday, June 05, 2005
So there I was, doing my usual internet scan. Typical post reading the regular blogs to surf about. I heard someone talking about Rosie O'donnel's blog and I noticed that I had never been to this site, so I did it, on a whim. Went there AND commented... god, I am a wild man.
Well, for those of you who do not know of my appreciation for Rosie O'donnel ever since her show, someone who is a good person, independent, and original. I never go the chance to go to the show (something about a guy in grade 8 road tripping to New York just didn't suit my parents fancy) And now here I am, 19, and stumbling across a blog that discusses broadway shows on daily basis (tony awards...yes, had to be mentioned). I am only typing about this as for me it was so nice to read something real and first hand, something that hadn't been tainted or cut and pasted in a magazine... I love realness ( addiction to reality t.v. embarassing)
This is all for now, but I can forsee me coming back in a bit to add more... full time works starts tuesday, I am living this up right now!
**flash back to childhood with the use of "robbie"**
Well, for those of you who do not know of my appreciation for Rosie O'donnel ever since her show, someone who is a good person, independent, and original. I never go the chance to go to the show (something about a guy in grade 8 road tripping to New York just didn't suit my parents fancy) And now here I am, 19, and stumbling across a blog that discusses broadway shows on daily basis (tony awards...yes, had to be mentioned). I am only typing about this as for me it was so nice to read something real and first hand, something that hadn't been tainted or cut and pasted in a magazine... I love realness ( addiction to reality t.v. embarassing)
This is all for now, but I can forsee me coming back in a bit to add more... full time works starts tuesday, I am living this up right now!
**flash back to childhood with the use of "robbie"**
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